Sunday, August 2, 2009

M.A.C Studio Fix ? Is it a big problem for causing skin problem?

I have used M.A.C Studio Fix (foundation with powder). I also have acne problem on my face too. Since high school was over for me and summer time begins I havent used my M.A.C Studio Fix every since and getting major breakout problems on my face. But.. what I have notice is that everytime I put M.A.C Studio Fix on my breakout vanished just like that. Its weriod.. I heard that M.A.C Studio fix is not good for your skin and can cause more breakouts. Is this true? If so should I switch to the M.A.C Foundation? or something?

M.A.C Studio Fix ? Is it a big problem for causing skin problem?
MAC studio Fix is 1 of my best foundations ever. it gives me this celebrity glow on my face

dont listen to people, use it if it works for u

we all have different skin types and reactions

what works for 1 person might not work for the other. it will b unfair to brand it bad just because a few people didnt choose the right product range.
Reply:My feeling is that no the MAC does not break you out. You however gave me a bit to think about though. I have mild acne, but only on my cheeks and I have been using MAC studio fix (powder only) for a while now. I absolutely LOVE the way it matches my skin and covers blemishes. I just find it hard to believe that such a popular makeup line as MAC would be harsh on even sensitive skin! Maybe try for a while using one without the other. Also try using a big soft brush for applying your powder, instead of the pad that comes with it.

best wishes

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