Monday, May 24, 2010

C-section the 2nd time around?

I had my baby 6 months ago and am just wondering if when I have a baby again(eventually) will I have to have another c-section or can i have a natural birth? I didnt mind having a c-section last time(it wasnt by choice) but in the Australian public system can you choose to have a c-section or is it only for emergencies? I have heard if you do it naturally after having a c-section 1st time around you can split your scar open?????

C-section the 2nd time around?
Yes, you can have your next baby via VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) as long as everything is medically ok. I had an emergency c-section with my first child and wanted to try a VBAC with my second, but my doctor warned me that it would not be safe considering how they made the incision with my first. Yes, there is a chance of splitting at your previous incision. I'm not sure how the Australian system works, but in the U.S., a woman can choose to have a scheduled c-section (not that it's always the best choice when done for the wrong reasons).

flowering plum

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