Saturday, May 22, 2010

I will be 35 weeks pregnant in 2 days, will my baby be ok if she is born now?

I went into preterm labor at 32 weeks and they gave me shots to stop the contractions and they went ahead and gave me the steroid shots for my babys lungs to develop. I'm happy and surprised I made it this far but I'm still worried about having her too early. I just don't think I would be able to stand seeing my child hooked up to breathing machines and a food tube. I was told by my dr to come in if I had more than 4 contractions in one hour and last night I had them every 5 mins for an hour but they stopped. I told my dr yesterday that if I made it to 37 weeks, then I wanted to be induced b/c my son was 9lb 10oz when he was born and he hurt me so bad, it took me 3 month to heal and it caused stress on him when he was born b/c he was so big he dislocated his shoulder coming out. My ultrasound at 32 weeks showed that this baby was already 5lbs. I dont want her to have the same problem. My dr said that would be ok.

I will be 35 weeks pregnant in 2 days, will my baby be ok if she is born now?
I am 35 weeks 3 days pregnant. I also started having preterm contractions at 30 weeks, and got them stopped with Brethine shots and also got steroid shots for fetal lung development, I was taking Brethine pills every 6 hours up until I was 33 weeks and then a week after I stopped taking the Brethine pills, I started having preterm contractions again, which was last Friday, and was in the hosp all day getting them stopped again. Needless to say, my doc told me that if I could make it to 36 weeks they were not going to stop my contractions again and were just going to let me have him if I was dilating. 36 weeks is still considered preterm, but you are also considered 9 months pregnant. My doc said that esp if you already had your steroid shots, then more than the likely the baby's lungs will be well developed esp this late in pregnancy. Good luck and hang in there. I have so far and just thnk that if we did have our baby now he/she would be okay...Good luck
Reply:35 weeks is a little early and tho your baby would probably be fine some reflexes arent as finely tuned as they could be. The sucking tends to be a little weak but at 35 weeks it would problably be a very minor difference. That said should you start having more contractions contact your GP/midwife as they probably would want to monitor you a little closer, earlier and longer than they would if you were term.

Good luck and congrats
Reply:My son was born at 35 weeks and he was fine. He weighed less than what your baby sounds like they will weigh though. Your baby, if a healthy size and with no complications, should be fine if he/she came out now. The doctors may try to keep the baby in with steroid injections but under the circumstances if you explain what has been happening I thin they will just let nature take it's course. Good Luck with the birth!
Reply:If she is born right this minute, she would probally be fine, with minor issues. (lung development). However, if you can make it to 38 weeks its also better than 37 weeks for lung development. Most docs won't consider inducing before 38 weeks unless the baby or mother are in distress.
Reply:My nephew was born before the 36th week and so was my niece. Both were fine though underweight. My nephew took time but did gain weight but my niece is still underweight. But that i think has more to do with nutrition after birth. So ur baby should be fine, it seems. Good luck.
Reply:well with my first i went in labor at 33weeks and they stopped it and i had the same worries but i carried him till i was 38 weeks 6lb 8oz perfect baby boy and with My third he was born 36weeks because of tear to placenta he was born healthy 5lb1oz and didn't need any help at all i am very small my self and so my baby's have been my second full term 6lb so i wouldn't worry if you have had a big child before, like i said my third was 36 weeks and very small but i took him home 12 hours later so don't worry relax and good luck lol for you and your baby

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