Friday, July 31, 2009

2nd C-Section? READ Details.?

I had a C-section with my son due to having PreClampsia they Induced me and kept me in Labor for almost 4 DAYS! When I finally hit 10sm and was trying to push they said I couldnt have my son b/c my Cervix. So yea I was so upset I went through all that and found out I couldnt have my son Natural. It was HELL going through all of that pain for almost 4 days with NO SLEEP! I couldnt hardly push. But I did my best. So yea Im pregnant again 29weeks and they are going to do another C-Section due to the problems I had before.

So, If you have had 2 C-sections do you know if the 2nd time around is worse? I mean it was bad the 1st time but not to bad really I mean I took care of my son all by myself after the C-Sec. so it wasnt all that bad. My stitches broke from lifting to much is all. I just had my son a yr ago and the stretching hurts BAD my Doc said its from where I got cut open and it hasnt healed. so Im guessing this time it is going to be worse.. So will it hurt worse??

2nd C-Section? READ Details.?
i had all four of my children by c-section. it is easier after the first c-section, because you know what you are in for. however, contrary to what the nurses say at the hospital, i recommend getting up out of the bed and beginning to move around within 8 to 10 hrs after you have the c-section. don't get me wrong, it will still hurt bad, but i found out from personal experience, the sooner you get out of bed and start moving around, the less it hurts. I didn't get out of bed til the next day with my first, and they had to give me morphine, it hurt so bad. with my second, about 10 hrs after she was born I was up, my third 8, my fourth, 6. most doctors use the same incision line as before. all three of my girls are 16 months apart. if you're in pain from the stretching, just take it easy and take some tylenol. don't stress yourself out or overexert yourself.
Reply:not sure about the pain, but I do know the risks of other complications - such as damage to your other organs and problems in subsequent pregnancies increases. You can get more information from

Good Luck.
Reply:The 2nd one should be much easier for you b/c you won't have to recover from the 4 days of labor AND the'll just be recovering from the c-section.

The difference will be like night and day. I have 3 friends who have been in your position (lengthy, rough labor which resulted in emergency c-section, and ended up scheduling a c-section for their next birth). I've also had 2 c-sections, though I didn't go through as rough of a labor w/my first child as both my friends and you did.

The fact that you won't be recovering from both labor and a c-section together should make it a better experience for you the second time.
Reply:I have had 3 c-sections. The second time was much easier than the first. First of all it is scheduled so you are rested and ready, second not going through labor makes a big difference in recovery, third you know what to expect...for the most part.

It is just so much easier, I can't begin to explain it. When I had my second %26amp; third we went to the hospital at noon, went into the pre-op area changed clothes, got an iv %26amp; blood tests then it was off to the operating room....I had spinals with all of mine....then with the second I was in recovery an hour %26amp; 1/2 later and with the third (different doctors thanks to all those stupid HMO's) I was in recovery within a hour after the doctor walked into the room. Since I had not been in labor I used less pain meds and got up sooner, walked better and recovered was a lot better with 2 %26amp; 3!!! I too had high blood pressure (with all three) and a cervix that is too small. Ya know, it doesn't matter how they come into the world as long and you %26amp; baby are healthy. Congrats on #2 and remember....NO lifting!! :)
Reply:I had 3 c-sections... first one was emergency, the other two were scheduled c-sections. There is a HUGE difference and I had very little pain afterwards with the last two... Definately nothing at all like an emergency c-section.
Reply:Wow what a coincidence I'm in the same predicament sort of my kids a year old and I'm on my second child too.But I didn't have a experience like that I was in labor for 19 hours and had only dilsted to 6 cm and went back to 4 cm and my baby lost his heart had stopped so they had to do an emergency c-section and boy was I scared.well after the surgery I was in alot of pain and I felt like someone had done stabbed me in the gut the good part of the whole thing was my stitches never broke when I found out that I had to have another c-section I was like NOOOOOOOO!!!!But I did some research and found out that second time c-sections aren't as bad because you know what to expect so woman tend to not think the second one is as bad and I answered you question to let you know there's people out there just as nervous as you....

Reply:I've had all 3 of mine via C-Section. The first one was pretty bad, but that was 12 years ago and I think I forgot how bad it was. The second was awful...much worse that I remember the first one being. With the 3rd, I was terrified the whole pregnancy because the pain was still fresh in my mind. (I begged my doctor to just let me TRY the natural way with #3. She went on and on about rupturing my uterus and malpractice to even attempt something so stupid) So I had C-Section #3 14 months after C-Section #2 and I laughed at how drastically different it was from #2. It was painful, of course, but not nearly as bad as the second one. Bottom line? I don't know. The fear of the 3rd C-section caused more mental pain than the actual procedure.

Good luck!
Reply:Much easier planned 2nd time. The first I had tough labor and would up in OR for c-sec. So much tougher to recover after all that pushing.

2nd-C section much better. Get moving when you can at hospital. I saw other post say this too. My nurse were all for this. But get help for afterwards mom/mothe rinlaw/friend?. You must not injure yourself unnecessarily again with tearing those stiches.

Lift no more than you baby. Not even baby and carrier at same time. As for the 2 year old I told my 2 1/2 yr. old I had a boo-boo but I could hold her and cuddle but not pick her up. She understood after a while. And was so happy when mommy's boo boo healed.

Be good to that body and it will be good to you. It has given you a great privilage to b a Mom. Congratulations.
Reply:The second time around isn't nearly as difficult as the first. I had two c-sections 16 months apart. Take it easy this time around and don't go popping stitches and stuff. Don't do allot of lifting. Your body is still trying to heal itself from the first pregnancy. It's going to hurt but not as much(or at least in my experience). Its not like you can say" Nope, No way am I going to have this baby and you cant make me. I'm perfectly fine with being a Human incubator. I'll just stay pregnant thank you." Just relax, It's really going to OK.

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