Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is diffrent between C and C++?

As C++ is made from C and it also a Upgraded C that is why C++. But some Basic things are very same. So why C++? There cant be upgradation in C to make a better C?

What is diffrent between C and C++?
C++ is an object oriented language, and C is not. Most syntax in C++ was based on syntax from C languages.

Object oriented paradigm is so different than traditional procedural program (typical of C programs), in order to justify C++ being considered new languages.

C++ supports classes, C does not.

C++ supports OO concepts like inheritance, C does not.
Reply:If U get a C in class or a C++, which would B better.
Reply:C is the original language. C++ is a C in the core but it has the pre-processor around it.

What it does is, when you write the source code according to the C++ syntax, the pre-processor will convert your code to C first then compile it.

C++ uses the Object Oriented logic for its language. C is just a plain procedureal language.

By the way, "upgradation" isn't even a word!
Reply:A C and a C++ are two different grades. a C is in lower 70s than C++.
Reply:one ++, DUH!

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