Thursday, July 30, 2009

Please help.....L.C.M problem.?

How to find the L.C.M of a + b + c..........................................

......................................... ___ ___ ___ ?

a+b b+c c+a

It is,a upon a+b,plus b upon b+c,plus c upon c+a

Please explain in detail with proper steps and instructions.

Please help.....L.C.M problem.?
I'm sorry, luv, but I can't figure out your question. L.C.M. generally stands for the least common multiple. When seeking an LCM, you need at least two numbers to work with. You seem to have given a sum. I'm not sure what the dots and the underscores mean. Are you looking for the LCM of a+b, b+c and a+c? If not, what are those doing there?

You're going to have to clear this up a bit.

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