Friday, July 31, 2009

Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V?

Hi , Is there a Option in windows , where I can store 2 words and paste them seperately.

eg In one file I have to copy a line " apple" I select apple %26amp; Ctrl+C to copy , and I can paste it using ctrl + v.

Now I have another line say : "orange" . If I ctrl+c on ornage and do Ctrl V, I paste orange.

If I want to paste apple again ,I have go to file and do Ctrl+C again on apple. Is there ant way to copy apple , then again copy orange and paste orange or apple whatever I want

Are there keys available like .... For instance let ..

ctrl+c copies apple %26amp; ctrl + [ key ] + C copies orange.

Now If I want to paste

ctrl+V pastes apple %26amp; ctrl + [key] + V pastes orange .

The above question is for 2 datas , Also If it could be extended to 3 or 4 it would be great .


Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V?

but you could:

copy apple

paste it

copy orange

paste it

so now you have apple orange

copy both words at the same time..and paste again to get this

apple orange apple orange apple orange
Reply:You could copy "apple" paste it then copy "orange" next to "apple" so that you have "apple orange" and copy that then paste it where you need it. Then just delete the word you don't need.


If you dont want to type the word apple so many times type "@" for apple instead. Then type Org for orange.

Then when you're done, go to Edit and Replace, type @ for the word to be replaced and apple to be the replacement word. and click on Replace All.

then do the same for Org/Orange.

You can just type apl for the word apple
Reply:There is nothing that I know of that will do that. Good idea though, I might try programming something like that, it could be useful for many people
Reply:If you have Microsoft Office you can use the Office clipboard which will do what you want.

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