Thursday, July 30, 2009

C-section and vaginal birth?

is there anyone who has had a c-section, but with the second child had a vaginal birth. I had a c-section the first time, and was told I could have another or try vaginal again. I think the c-section was much more simple. Just go in and 20 min. tops you got your sweet baby. BUT the recovery sucks.

C-section and vaginal birth?
actually it is possible to try for a vaginal birth after a c-section. however you will have to labor in the operating room just incase something goes wrong since there are very real risks of your uterus rupturing as well as other possibilities. if this is what you opt for then good luck and i think you should talk it over with your doctor and discuss the risks. i had two c-sections because i didnt think the risks was worth it personally.

Good luck and congratulations on the baby!!!
Reply:i just found out im preg and i have had 5 naturals 1 cesar and im opting for a cesar again good luck to you hun
Reply:i had a c-section 4 years ago it was and emergency the doctor cut me from my hip to hip 16 staples but i didn't have labor pains i didn't rip or have to be cut the only thing is that i was sore for 3 weeks i didn't take pain meds only Advil

so i would have another c -section

i am not good with pain and i couldn't be in labor for 2-48 hrs

the c-section only took 15 min.

and just think you already have the scar

but then again you might want to try a natural birth .

good luck
Reply:It is possible, but more risky, as the birth could place increased stress on the scar tissue, which could cause it to rupture,as scar tissue does not stretch, like normal uterine tissue. If youre worried about this, id suggest asking your obstetrician about a "trial run" to find out if its going to be ok to do it. If it feels too painful, id suggest opting for another c section.

Hope everything goes well for you!!!
Reply:I would never opt for an "elective" c-section, its MAJOR surgery as you know requiring MAJOR recovery...I'd much rather have the hours of labor, and a shorter recovery.

I've had both the c-section and vag. delivery, and unless medically needed I would do another section.

ETA ~ You will not labor or deliver in the OR if your trying for a VBAC....
Reply:can you email me please bc im not sure what kind of birth i want to have (c-section or vaginal) and would like to know about the recovery of the c-section that your talking about please

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