Thursday, July 30, 2009

Vitamin C???

Just a question for all the mothers out there!

I am due in Jan! Totally excited!

Anyway, i have this tingling in my nose, hence a cold is coming on! I have always taken Ester-C (A strong vitamin C) when ever i have had this feeling and it goes away! Now, I am on Pre-Natal pills that have a little vit c in them, but was wondering if it was alright to take some Ester-C as well to prevent a cold?

Just whichever would be better for the baby, me having a cold, or me taking Ester-C?

Vitamin C???
Congratulations! I had several colds during pregnancy and my doctor said to just stick with the prenatals, drink plenty of fluids and suffer through. Call your doc though...maybe he'll give you permission.

Good luck!

5 moms dish the dirt
Reply:I wouldn't think Vitamin C could hurt the baby. If you overdose on vitamin all that happens is your in the

It just goes right thur ya!

I took it when I was PG and we are all OK over here.

I don't think taking it a few times here and there with your baby vitamin would hurt.

Reply:Being sick and pregnant is the worst, so sorry. I'd definently check with the Doc before taking any extra vitamins. Drink plenty of fluids. Don't forget the Chicken Noodle soup.

Actually why not try eating some grapefruits, oranges, or whatever yuor cup of tea is, its great fiber (which most women need lots of when [pregnant),

Dont take it without consulting your physician.

I read in a herbal book that overdosing on vit.C causes miscarriages.

Be careful k--------------


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