Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Two hard c.o.c.k.s are playing with each other.....?

.....one c.o.c.k says to the other c.o.c.k: "shouldn't we be protecting the henhouse"? The other c.o.c.k replies with: "__________"

Please fill in the blanks with your funniest answers!

Two hard c.o.c.k.s are playing with each other.....?
sorry, im just feeling a bit stiff.
Reply:i have no idea i would have said the xsame thing as the first person
Reply:dont think so
Reply:Your right. I'll go in the front. you take the rear.
Reply:yea but our master don't want to
Reply:with a knife, we could all get nuetered
Reply:what do u think we r JEDI'S

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