Thursday, July 30, 2009

Planned c-sections?

Why some women opt to have a planned c-section ,instead of a vaginal birth? Specially the ones that have a completely normal pregnancy with no complications, and a good chance to deliver vaginally? I mean i understand that sometimes a c-section is neccessary due to complications or previous c-sections.. But to schedule a c-section 5 -6 months before your date, just for the hell of it,it's just unbelievable to me. Can someone explain to me why more women keep requesting planned c-sectons? I don't want to think that is for vanity..Because that will be a stupid reason .

Planned c-sections?
Some women schedule c-sections and get their tummies tucked in one fell swoop. Its called "designer birth". There's a mentality among some people referred to as "Too posh to push".

Logically, it makes no sense. Birth is a natural and normal physical process. A c-section is a major surgery with inherent risks.

Its sad, really. The chances of mother and baby dying are significantly higer with a c-section. Not to mention the risks of infections or other injury to the mother and/or child. Going through labor is actually HEALTHY for babies, and they shouldnt be deprived of the benefits to their bodies just so mom can "get it over with" in 20 minutes. Then there's the oxytocin issue. Its a powerful LOVE hormone that is released during a natural birth. This creates a powerful and literally addictive bond from a mother to her child. Its literally like an incredible opiate high. Do these women think about the risks they are putting themselves and their babies at? Do they think about what they are missing out on? Its a tragedy, really. And can our world survive without love? Can a woman reach her FULL potential as a mother WITHOUT the powerful and natural love hormones that nature has given her to drive her to love and protect her child?

I think in many cases, its vanity. In others, its fear. Our society is full of scary propaganda about birth. I imagine that many women are simply trying to escape the experience of birth that they have seen on tv. Its truly truly sad. Nothing is more empowering, beautiful, peaceful, memorable... than a totally natural birth. Women who are CAPABLE of natural birth (and about 99% ARE) should go for it. It doesnt HAVE to be scary. It doesnt HAVE to be painful. But expecting it to be scary and painful, makes it scary and painful. If we'd approach it with a more positive and trusting mindset, we'd have the simple, normal births that other women all over the world enjoy. I guess we just like to complicate things here in america, lol

I strongly recommend seeing "The Business of Being Born" (

It can be rented on
Reply:Traditionally, C-sections were only given in emergencies, if the baby's head it breached or if the natural way is dangerous to both mother and baby. I gave birth the natural way, at 17 years of age with the assistance of entonox, pethidine and epidural; damn proud! No tearing or stitches needed, flipping painful, but as soon as he came out, I said: "I want another one." The doctors and nurses looked at me in utter dismay. My aussie was soar for days, but it was more than worth it. Those women who have c-sections don't know the joy and when you push, your milk and everything works in tune with the baby and your body, so its actually better and healthier for bubba and you.

With c-sections I always think:

Out of the belly of the beast"...came something beautiful - baby.
Reply:some women think the c-section will be less painful, forgetting the fact that you have a 5-6 inch hole cut in you!
Reply:Women who have normal pregnancies sometimes opt for planned c-sections if they want to have a tummy tuck to get rid of the extra skin or if they do not want their private parts ripped apart. After a vaginal birth, some parts of a woman's anatomy never go back to how they were before. Perineal tears can be very destructive and can lead to urinary or fecal incontinence later in life, especially if they go through to the rectal wall.

Other women, just want the convenience of knowing when the delivery is going to take place. Obviously, if there are complications (i.e. gestational diabetes) then a planned c-section is often necessary to ensure the safety of the mother and/or baby.

Hope that helps
Reply:My guess is because they are scared to death of the thought of the pain and work of a vaginal birth, so they opt for a surgery instead. I can understand that, but it wouldn't be a choice I'd make.

2 1/2 weeks ago I gave birth vaginally to a 10.6 lb baby girl, and was BEGGING for a C-section after 2 hours of pushing. I can really see why some women would want to avoid that at all costs, it was not fun at all. But, now that I've done it and its over, I'm glad I didn't have one. Yeah labor absolutely sucked but I'm happy I wasn't cut open instead.
Reply:Because they don't want to feel the pain of labor. I'm sure the recovery of a c section sucks just as much. My doctor has recommended one for me because I have twins and placenta previa, but if I could go at it vaginally I would.
Reply:I don't know why regular people do it, but celebrities do it so they can have a tummy tuck done at the same time. Instant flat tummy.

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