Thursday, July 30, 2009

Other c-section moms~~when/how did you decide to get pregnant for the 3rd time?

OK, I have 2 kids, both were delivered through c-section, both were necessary. My hubby and I recall my doc saying that the next kids I have will need to be delivered via c-section also.

At any rate, my youngest is about to turn 5, and I have the urge to have another baby now. I'm wondering how long other c-section moms have waited.....if "starting over" when your other kids are already in school is kinda hard to many c-sections you have had, and how many your doc said that you could safely have. I've been told by a doctor friend of mine that there is really no limit and that it all depends on how the woman heals up. I've also read about women safely having 6 kids through c-section.

So I would just appreciate your input on this very much!

Please and thank you!!

Other c-section moms~~when/how did you decide to get pregnant for the 3rd time?
All 3 of my children were delivered via C-section. There is 6 years and 1 day difference between baby 1 and baby 2. And 2 years and 9 months difference between baby 2 and baby 3. However, my doctor highly recommended stopping after 3. Due to issue with scar tissue and placenta previa. Also, my doctor told me it was only necessary to wait 24 months between each c-section.

They are disadvantages and advantages either way (having them far apart and having them close together). For me the most difficult thing about having a 6 year old and a new born was that I wasn't used to the lack of sleep anymore. I was also used to being able to 'negotiate' my child back to sleep, and obviously not my infant. The difficulties between the my two being closer together had to do more with time management.

Anyway, I wish the best of luck and baby dust.
Reply:well, we didn't actually decide. it was our anniversary and we got pregnant. my 3rd and final c-section is on march 4th. i chose to have my tubes tied this time because we're done with 3 and my husband is kinda iffy about having scalpels, needles and the like around his manhood, understandably so. there is a 3yr 10 month age gap between baby 1 and baby 2 and there will be a 2 yr, 11 month and 3 week age gap between baby 2 and baby 3. i think you should go for baby # 3, by this time, all of your scars are well healed. good luck!
Reply:I just had my second c-section (also necessary) and my husband is already pushing for a third child. I am thinking adoption is the way to go for us because my doctor made a comment during the surgery (kind of scary) - "WOW - that's thin!" - about my uterus. He was sort of suggesting that I should get my tubes tied when he did the c-section. Regardless, you'll need to talk to your OB to make sure it will be a safe pregnancy...for you and the baby... Good luck!
Reply:They say it takes the body up to 3 years to heal. I think that you would be fine. I had 3 c-sections all medically necessary. My third was born 4 and half years after my second. I did have complications and i'am not able to have more. But most people come through just fine!! Yeah it is kinda hard just having that 2nd child enter school and start all over. I found that I really liked it though. I found out that I really missed having somone ( one of my babies) with me. So for me it was a great choice.
Reply:Well I have a year and half old and I had him via c section... scary but we did great, no infection, healed up very nicely, I am not due again here in march with my second... and I have to have another c section... this will be my last only because I just wanted two kids... I would say if your youngest is 5 go ahead and have another if you would like, I think its a great age, I see it alot now days, and also your c section scare is fully healed and less chances of something going wrong... I say you can have as many by c section as you want... just means youll have more scare tissue but nothing noticeable to anyone else or on the outside... so no one would ever know... I say its a great idea if this is really what you want :)


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