Thursday, July 30, 2009

Should i study C# or c++? (i've studied c++ but not Advanced one )should i countinue studing C++ or study c#?

ive studied C++ in university but not very advanced subjects like patters or...

what shall i do ? shall i countinu tuding advance C++ or start somrthing else like c#?!

thanks please leave me your ID if possible


Should i study C# or c++? (i've studied c++ but not Advanced one )should i countinue studing C++ or study c#?
C++ is an international standard supported by multiple vendors. C# is a language created by Microsoft for their .NET platform. So studying C++ will give you greater scope. However, studying C# will introduce you to Microsoft's technologies, which could help you get a job.

The advanced subjects you mention, like Patterns, are more about the underlying principles of good design and programming style. These are the most important things to learn because they apply whatever language you are using.
Reply:i heard C# is easyer and more flexable and you can develop games with and without DirectX SDK
Reply:C++ would be a better choice in my opinion. It is far more universally used than C#.

It really depends on what you want to do. Check your options. Java is my area personally.


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