Friday, July 31, 2009

What is c# c sharp?

is c# useful like c,c++ or it is not much important or if a person learn only c# is it ok or full .net i have to learn i want to learn c# but i don't about it is easy or hard or i nead some logical skill could you plz

What is c# c sharp?
C# is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft as part of the .NET initiative and later approved as a standard by ECMA and ISO. Anders Hejlsberg leads development of the C# language, which has a procedural, object-oriented syntax based on C++ and includes aspects of several other programming languages (most notably Delphi and Java) with a particular emphasis on simplification.

I don't think C# is as powerful as C++, But if you are in to .NET then might as well learn it along side with VB .NET or C++ .NET. You will open yourself to more job opportunities.
Reply:C# is Microsfots Object Oriented, Platform indepented programming language. It runs on .Net Platform having various new features.

for more information visit
Reply:let me add this...

a a chord played on guitars :)
Reply:C# is like C++. it has all the oops concepts just that it has advanced features and it has been developed only for .net .net framework there are 2 languages which are mostly used for coding. one is c# and the other is vb.

if u know c and c++ then u wont find c# difficult as it uses the same concepts just that the syntax is a bit different. i thunk u should learn c# if ur interested in .net.
Reply:C# is for Microsoft.NET platform, its similar to Java.

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