Thursday, July 30, 2009

My c o c k ruined her room and she is angry?

I have a c o c k whom I grow him for c o c k fighting for fun. He went to my neighbours' kitchen last week by mistake and he made a big mess there. She shouted and warned me that would sue against me. I want to make her cool down. what to do for this?

My c o c k ruined her room and she is angry?
hi, thats an interesting question! lol! 20/F wondering the same thing... holla back
Reply:send her flowers
Reply:Show her your other c o c k.
Reply:give her ur cock as a gift .
Reply:cook the c.oc.k and feed it to her for dinner---that will make her feel better.
Reply:take better care of him. is that legal?
Reply:You should not have let your animal loose in her place it is your responsibility to clean up and disinfect her kitchen you are nasty by doing this she should have butchered your chicken and had it for dinner..
Reply:If in fact you have raised a rooster for fighting, you're lucky not to go to jail, that's illegal in the U.S.

I'm assuming you just wanted to say a "naughty word" though.

Did you get your jollies?
Reply:Either you clean the mess, or pay to have it done. Make the appropriate apologies, and keep your bird out of your neighbor's way for a while.


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