Thursday, July 30, 2009

C&A PEOPLES! Come here.... NOW! >.<?

OK! This is how it works! All of the MALE C%26amp;A users are going to claim a FEMALE C%26amp;A user. Now FEMALE C%26amp;A's are going to decide if they want to be claimed by that MALE C%26amp;A user. If that Female C%26amp;A user doesn't want to be claimed by you, you have to claim someone else.

Got it? Good... =)

Anime Q: Why is Orochimaru gay?

*gives out hello punches*

C%26amp;A PEOPLES! Come here.... NOW! %26gt;.%26lt;?
okies got it!!...sooooo...lets just wait for the claim

Orochimaru gay?...wonder why...dunno...freaky snake face...reminds me of Voldemort

That'd be wierd.

But I know I won't get picked 'cause I've only been here for like 2 weeks and barely anyone here knows me, as I don't know many people either.

Anime Q: He's gay because his mother never loved him and he swore to himself that he'd never love another woman again, so he was forced to become the Naruto version of MJ.

I wonder if he can moon walk???
Reply:Ok I'll be honest for once....

***** ** %26lt;----------come on ain't it clear yet? can't really say don't want pyro hunting me down... Jk... Jk....

LO.oL %26lt;------ new "LOL"

and i'm guessing she'll say no...

just a guess...

and i'm good at guessing...

anime Q:

he just is... coz he can't get any proper lovin'
Reply:lol. you oooooooobviously wasnt thinking of me when you asked this question -hmph. lol.

well, i guess i can claim someone that actually likes me. hehe.


hey. shadow mist sakura -- YOURE MINE!



normally, i would be offended that you used the "G" word; but oh well. hehe. i ♥ orochimaru though. lol. he wanted to switch sasuke into his ugly body. lol. and anyone that wants to ruin sasukes life, is going to be loved by me. hehe.
Reply:Well, this is an evil question. I was looking at the answers before I answered myself, so I guess I will claim someone. I claim *Drumroll*

Lovenam! I felt bad for her, saying that she wouldn't be claimed. Well guess what? She is now.

Anime: Orochimaru is gay. Watch fun w/ akatsuki #8 on Youtube (Red Clouds) you will know what I mean.

And about that hello punch...

HELLO! *Hole roughly about your size is bored into the wall*
Reply:YAY!! Peoples too scared of me to claim %26gt;.%26lt;

If anyone picks me they die *glares at nothing in perticular and everything at the same time* idk if that's possible but I'm doing it anyways!!! @_@

Plus I don't like that word- CLAIM. It sounds odd -_-'

Annnnnyyyyways...... to your anime Q:

Why is Sasuke a retard?? hmm..... somethings are just natural for people I guess xD

btw.... if you get to hello punch- can I hello stab?? :P


Damn.... second page- I hate not being on the first page.... I'm PICKY like that =_=


Choo Choo- WHAT one girl?? *goes into nosy mode* %26gt;.%26gt;


That's really vague -_-'
Reply:pshh. if i get claimed by anyone, i'll drink two whole water bottles without stopping. =_= the big ones :3

ourochimaru has lots of problems. and just so he doesnt steal my crush, i've kidnapped sasuke and delivered him to his front door XD

imagine him doin the MJ LMAO


Free Hugs.

p.s. other eason why i dont get claimed: im not on often
Reply:Well quiet honestly i don't want to claim any girl now because i don't want to break another one's Heart but i'll leave you to Vote the Right one For me ok even though i don't see where this will go!

Nope Orochimaru is by far not Gay.
Reply:..................what えみん = CRYBo7 I appologize said.

Why is Orochimaru gay? Textbook (happy) reason is because he had Sasuke under his control. New reason...LOOK AT HIM! He's after kids, skin is paler than a ghost, Kabuto is his maid, and wears a "I AM NARUTO!" t-shirt.
Reply:Syd, syd, syd....

*shakes head* I honestly doubt I'll be claimed..=_= My personality isn't very desirable.

I don't know.... he shoved one too many marbles up his nose as a kid...



GAH! HE WAS ATTACKED BY THE... *whispers in terror* GIANT CAN OF DOCTOR PEPPER! *shudders*


i actually got claimed! hehe

yay! mizu-san!

anime Q: technically he's not gay.

he's just a Michael Jackson wannabe


I have a feeling guys won't want to do this..

Anime Q: Cuz he's got a funny tongue!

*Dodges punch* (Unless it's the kind you drink)

[Edgy] Who'd you type? o_o

[edgy] Ha! IS it Tally Wa? ^^
Reply:Gwah! I call Otaqueen! =DD

Anime Q: Cuz its hot! :O

*Punches you back* Meanie! It hurt! ;__;





Reply:hmmmm Okay...

I have a feeling guys won't want to do this..

Anime Q: Cuz he's got a funny tongue!

*Dodges punch* (Unless it's the kind you drink)
Reply:I have one Q, what is C%26amp;A!

Orochimaru is gay because he thinks young boys are much hotter than older boys who start losing hottness. The younger boys also have youth, strength, and willpower.
Reply:Me??? think so...

•★ Simple.....he's been molested constantly and he enjoyed it....ugh..eeewwwwwww not to mention he's so Fugly...Slimy...and Perverted and liked to molest little boys....ugh he's so damn sick...
Reply:*Sigh...* I'll pick... That one girl.

%26gt;%26gt; Cuz he is

[Edit] Stabby the one girl is... uhh... That one girl lol I don't know... =)

[Edit] Hey! Stabby you gave me a thumb down didn't you?
Reply:I don't think he's actually gay. He's really just asexual or maybe he's omnisexual....

:) were those love punches? :)
Reply:I claim uhm

*looks around real quick*

Elle Ragu!

she isnt a C %26amp; A user

I dont think...

but she can spar with me and teach me the guruda annhilation technique


*long breath*

Reply:i'm not gunna get a claim cause i don't come out of my hole a lot and people sometimes think i'm a guy XP

Anime Q: Prefers little boys over little girls.../

Reply:NOOOOOOOO!!!!! every one got it wrong orochimaru isnt gay he is metrosexual duh!!! i asked him last night in my anime fantasy world dream thingy. he said he is just a man with style and a really cool tongue. lol
Reply:lol, thank god no one claimed me because I don't wanna be claimed!!

Anime Q- because that's how Orochimaru is...
Reply:No one really knows me(i didn't see any claims for Riku Niwa XD).

ummm......He's gay cause he thinks about Sasuke too much, and he''s kinda a Micheal Jackson wannabe? X3
Reply:ill be with squishy if she accepts

orochimaru is gay cauz he chases after sasuke and looks like michael jackson lol
Reply:I claim heather w
Reply:I don't think anyone here knows me,lol.

Orochimaru is creepy who knows why it may have something to do with his childhood.
Reply:*smacks the crap out of syd*...blank-kun can claim me

because when he offers candy at the park......little girls are too smart to take it

orochimarus gay because all he thinks about is sasuke
Reply:I don't think most of the guys on here even know me.

When you have a tongue that can lick certain areas...., well it just happens.
Reply:claiming? don't tink i'll be, although i am a nyc gyal

anime Q: he's lonely. looks girly and needs some love

*dodges punch* * sends slap*
Reply:Orochimaru is gay? whoa, i thought something was up

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