Thursday, July 30, 2009

If C is degress Centigrade....?

If C is degress Centigrade and F is degrees Fahrenheit, use the formula bellow to work out F when C =100, C=20 and C=0

F=9/5 C +32

Ten points to the best answer!!!!!!!!!!

If C is degress Centigrade....?
u mad or wut? how cn u decide best answer amongst answers of a mathematical problems? btw do ur own homework. its not difficult.
Reply:100c = 212F 20c = 68f 0c = 32f
Reply:do your own home work you will never get anywhere in life cheating
Reply:Homework is meant to be done by you without external help, so that you understand the concept and get trained to handle such sums in the examination hall. This is a simple formula and YOU could do it. Please try.


Reply:C=100 F=212

C=20 F=68

C=0 F=32

morning glory

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