Thursday, July 30, 2009

Formatted my C drive, and put on windows. My D drive(20gigs) is no where 2b found but it is in Device Manager.

I reformatted my hard drive called C. I then put windows XP back on it. I also have another hard drive that used to be called "D" but after I formatted my C hard drive, D was no where to be found. Instead my CD-ROM took the place of it.

I checked in "My Computer"- there is only "C" BUT device manager and system info both recognize that there are two hard drives Maxtor 2BO....*(My old D(20gig)) and Maxtor 6YO..... (My C)I even tried running a Maxtor Diagnostic Boot up Floppy, and what do you know, according to this ******* disc both hard drives are there and working fine and dandy. and yes i reformatted my C twice over after this shpeel. I have no way of accessing this hard drive becuase in "My Computer", there is no other hard drive but C. This is outrageous becuase my whole life is stored on that other drive. HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPP! PLEEEEEEEEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Formatted my C drive, and put on windows. My D drive(20gigs) is no where 2b found but it is in Device Manager.
You got the secondary set to slave and primar set to master? Jumpers
Reply:Go to performance and maintenance in cotrol panel. Click on Admistrative tools then click onComputer Management. Then select disk management. Initialize the drive and partion the drive. Then format the drive assign the drive letter and initiate the changes.
Reply:have you ever try to look into computer management/disk management?
Reply:I will answer you with a question. Did you have 32 bit system on it before you formated it? if so that could be the problem, and are the cable jumpers on the hard drives correct? Did you partition the drive? to make it change drive letters is it set to be detected in bios?
Reply:Go to control panel, administrative tools, Computer management, Disk Manager and make sure it is enabled.

If it lists your D drive as unformatted, then you accidentally formatted that drive.

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