Thursday, July 30, 2009

With C an arbitrary constant, find a solution to the differential equation given: (csc x)y' + csc y = 0?

With C an arbitrary constant, find a solution to the differential equation given: (csc x)y' + csc y = 0?

a. y = Cx^-4

b. y = Cx^-1/4

c. y = Cx^1/4

d. y = Cx^4

e. sin y + cos x = C

f. cos y + sin x = C

g. cos y - sin x = C

h. sin y - cos x = C

or is it none of these ?

With C an arbitrary constant, find a solution to the differential equation given: (csc x)y' + csc y = 0?
dy/dx = -csc y / csc x

dy/dx = -sinx / sin y

sin y dy = -sinx dx

∫sin y dy = -∫sinx dx

-cos y = cos x + C

cos x + cos y = C

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