Thursday, July 30, 2009

B.C is not C.E?

Since when did they change B.C (Before Christ) and A.D. (After Death) to C.E. (Common Era.) What is C.E. anyone? Was B.C. or A.D. removed from books recently because it's offensive to some people who don't believe in Christ? What's the deal? Anyone know?

B.C is not C.E?
AD means "anno domini" (the year of our Lord), not "After Death". AD 1 is the year that Jesus was supposedly born.

It's the same dating system (AD 2007 = 2007 CE). CE (Common/Christian Era) is used instead of AD and BCE (Before the Christian/Common Era) is used instead of BC.

Some scholars/academics and Jewish people tend to use it because it is a secular designation and/or they don't believe that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah). It's been in use for over a century.
Reply:It is for people who are not Christians. (recent)

What in the world is the "Common Era"? I dont think it exists.


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