Thursday, July 30, 2009

Serbians: What does c c c c mean?

I'm serbian, and I know that c c c c roughly means "only unity can save us" how do you say that in Serbian??

Serbians: What does c c c c mean?
Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava (only unity saves the serbs) the reason its the 4c's is because when its used in the symbol the letters are in the Cyrillic alphabet. and C is S in cyrillic.
Reply:freedom is an albo,his hobby is insulting serbs on here... Report It

Reply:smrt svim srbima sveta Report It

Reply:It means Само Cлога Србина Cпасава/Samo sloga Srbina spasava or Only unity saves the Serb.
Reply:Just read answer from my friend SRBIJA10 and look the picture!!!

========== %26gt; C C C C %26lt; ==========
Reply:Ha ha ha I like how all diaspora serbs are so nationalistic, all the time shouting, 'kosovo je srce srbija' , but you have never been to Serbia, or speak the language. Or even place Kosovo on a map. You are spouting slogans without even understanding the meaning.

Even I as a Kosovar know meaning of CCCC. It is Само Cлога Србина Cпасава (Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava)

But better phase is: SAMO SANATORIJI SRBINA SPASAVA - only sanatoriums can save the serbs

(I should translate it into English for you because I know like all great Serb Nationalists, that you can't understand Serbian :P)
Reply:means laugh


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