Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Please help!!! C++ user defined funtions?

im trying to put some functions into my code. i want to create 2 functions in my switch statement one for case A and one for case B but im having trouble with my variables and the user input here is my code im open to any suggestions

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

using namespace std;

int main()


char choice; // variable for selection

int quantity; // variable for quantity of numbers

int num1; // variable for option A numbers

int num2; // variable for option B numbers

int largest; // variable for largest number

int smallest; // variable for smallest number


{ // beginning of do while loop

cout %26lt;%26lt; " Please choose one of the following options" %26lt;%26lt; endl; // instructions telling user what to enter

cout %26lt;%26lt; " A. - find the largest number with a known quantity of numbers" %26lt;%26lt; endl; //

cout %26lt;%26lt; " B. - Find the smallest number with an unknown quantity of numbers" %26lt;%26lt; endl; // display menu options to user

cout %26lt;%26lt; " C. - Quit" %26lt;%26lt; endl; //

cout %26lt;%26lt; " Please enter your choice: - "; //

cin %26gt;%26gt; choice; // ask user for input

cout %26lt;%26lt; endl; //

switch (choice)

{ // beginning of switch statement

case 'a': // case for when user selects option A

case 'A':

cout %26lt;%26lt; " A. - find the largest number with a known quantity of numbers" %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; " Please enter the total quantity of numbers you would like to use: ";

cin %26gt;%26gt; quantity;

for (quantity;quantity %26gt; 0;quantity--)


cout %26lt;%26lt; " please enter a number - ";

cin %26gt;%26gt; largest;

cout %26lt;%26lt; endl;

for (quantity;quantity %26gt; 1;quantity--)


cout %26lt;%26lt; " please enter a number - ";

cin %26gt;%26gt; num1;

cout %26lt;%26lt; endl;

if (largest %26lt;= num1)

largest = num1;



cout %26lt;%26lt; " the largest number you entered is (" %26lt;%26lt; largest %26lt;%26lt; ")" %26lt;%26lt; endl;


case 'b': // case for when user selects option B

case 'B':

cout %26lt;%26lt; " B. - Find the smallest number with an unknown quantity of numbers" %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; " enter your first number - ";

cin %26gt;%26gt; num2;

cout %26lt;%26lt; endl;

smallest = num2;

cout %26lt;%26lt; " to get result and return to main menu enter (-99) for your number" %26lt;%26lt; endl;

while (num2 != -99)


cout %26lt;%26lt; " please enter another number - ";

cin %26gt;%26gt; num2;

cout %26lt;%26lt; endl;

if (num2 != -99)

if (num2 %26lt; smallest)

smallest = num2;


cout %26lt;%26lt; " the smallest number you entered is (" %26lt;%26lt; smallest %26lt;%26lt; ")" %26lt;%26lt; endl;


case 'c': // case for when user selects to exit the program

case 'C':


default: // case for when user tries to select and option other than a, A, b, B, c, or C

cout %26lt;%26lt; " the letter you entered is not valid" %26lt;%26lt; endl;

} // end of switch statement

} while (choice != 'c'); // end of do while loop

return 0;


Please help!!! C++ user defined funtions?
I see a problem with this section of code:

You are reading in a value for largest. That should only change when num1 is larger than largest's current value.

for (quantity;quantity %26gt; 0;quantity--)


cout %26lt;%26lt; " please enter a number - ";

cin %26gt;%26gt; largest;

cout %26lt;%26lt; endl;

for (quantity;quantity %26gt; 1;quantity--)


cout %26lt;%26lt; " please enter a number - ";

cin %26gt;%26gt; num1;

cout %26lt;%26lt; endl;

if (largest %26lt;= num1)

largest = num1;


Reply:create 2 functions called

void largest()


do all your things here;

returns nothing;


void smallest()


do all your things here;

returns nothing;


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