Tuesday, July 28, 2009

To learn C++ you must ... ?

To learn C++ you must ...

a) Attend a lecture on the subject.

b) Learn C first and then the ++ part

c) Buy a good book on C++ like: _____

d) Learn it from an online internet source, like _____

e) Forget Microsoft Visual C++ and get a UNIX emulator

f) forget C++ and learn the language _______

g) forget C++, It's way to difficuilt man!

h) other advice.

To learn C++ you must ... ?
The way I did it was to learn C first, then C++, but that was many many years ago. Now people are in love with crap languages like Java and C#. Any language that hides pointers from the developer is a toy/joke. I love the control that C and C++ give you, but I digress....

The way I learned was I got one of those Teach yourself C in 21 Days books. Went through that to get the basics, did the same for C++, and after I had the basics from both books, I picked up the rest of years of programming for projects or just for fun.

You can pick up just about everything from the internet now, so you don't need to buy a book, but I like having an easy reference.

Books I would recommend is

"The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie


"The C++ Programming Language" by Bjarne Stroustrup

Side note: I suggest E as well. Forget Macro$loth and go to linux.
Reply:i) Copy from your neighbour's book!!!
Reply:The best thing to do is to just go out and buy the software package if you can afford it. The package should contain books that will teach you about the many functions that are essential to make a use full program that you might not get anywhere else.
Reply:b) Learn C first

b+) Learn about object oriented design (don't worry about C++ just yet)

b++) Then as you are picking up C++, think about the OOD stuff you've learn. If you think in terms of OOD, C++ becomes a lot clearer and you'll suddenly realize why that have so much junk in it.

c) Get "The C++ Programming Language" by Stoustrup

e) Hmm...if you are cool with b and c, VC++ ain't so bad. In fact, you'll also "get" what VC++ is trying to do if you think more in terms of OOD and code reuse.

h) Don't become overwhelmed by C++. Yeah its a lot but you probably won't use most of it but you want to be aware of it.

h+) Oh and get used to using the STL. Once you get used to using the STL, it'll make programming a whole lot easier for many of the mundane tasks.
Reply:C++ for dummies.
Reply:B and C if you want to educate yourself and have a solid structure from which to draw. I recommend the Sams books for a beginner.

D and A if you want to go it at school. I wouldn't bother with ITT or DeVry since you can't transfer the credits you get there to a normal university should you some time down the road rethink your education and want to get a Master's on top of your Bachelor's or Associates.

E since its only a matter of years before Microsoft goes under and I wouldn't bother with their stuff if you paid me a million bucks.
Reply:wat's ur question?

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