Tuesday, July 28, 2009

C-section.. are you kidding me?

I'm all for people who need to have c-sections for whatever medical reasons.. that's what there for right? But I was just reading an answer to another question where someone said they opted for a c-section because she was afraid of what it would do to her vagina (stretching it out).. I heard this recently from my husband's co-worker's wife too.. she also opted for a c-section because she heard it would permanently make her "loose"..

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Isn't childbirth the good old fashion way what our bodies are made for?

I'm IN NO WAY dissing on women who have had to have c-sections for medical reasons.. but come on.. opted to have a c-section because actually pushing a baby out will make you loose forever... Geeeeeeeez.. it's not even true.. I've had to large babies and it hasn't messed up my nether region..

C-section.. are you kidding me?
I have the same thing going on here. My friend says when she has a baby she wants a c-section because of all the horror stories she's heard about delivery. I had a c-section with my daughter (stubborn, breech little girl!) and have told my friend how bad it was (it HURT!... "easy" my a$$!). I am trying to go VBAC on this pregnancy. I am due any day and the doc just told me today what the bottom line was on things. Let's just say my hubby and I will be needing a lot of alone time the next couple of days in order to try to avoid another surgery! I'll do anything to avoid c-section again.
Reply:LOL I have to agree. They must have some money too or lying doctors as it sound selective to me adn I cant see an insurance company payign for it.
Reply:I opted for a c-section with my daughter. I just felt that would be a lot easier than labor. And every womens body is different after they have a natural birth. some women aren't as lucky as you were to have everything go back into place.
Reply:some people dont see the beauty of a natural child birth like me i had to have one cause i wouldnt dialate
Reply:I totally agree!
Reply:I totally agree you. I am so anti c-section, that I think I actually jinxed myself. I have always said I never wanted one, well my little boy decided he was coming that way. I will tell you, I would rather go drug free (like I did with my 2nd) than go through another c-section. The pain was horrible With vaginal delivery the pain is gone the second that baby comes out, unless you tear. With the c-section there is weeks of recovery. You can't get out of bed for at least a day, you can't move or stand without feeling like you gut is busting out.

But, the one plus that I did take advantage of was the fact I was not to do any housework for two weeks. It was awesome watching my husband frantically trying to keep the house in order.
Reply:I totally agree with you. It's ridiculous. And people who do it because they think it's easier...they're in for a rude awakening. They will be left with a saggy belly pooch that can never be repaired except for another abdominal surgery to snip it off. They do cut through your abdominal muscles and all. My vagina is perfectly fine and my husband does not complain. People just overly stress and don't realize that their vaginas would go back to normal, it's not that everyone's body's are different...if you do your kegals you'll be fine!! Don't be a pansy for childbirth! :)
Reply:I choose to have a c-section and would do it again in a heart beat the recovery time is longer, and I wouldn't say it was "easier" than natural delivery. I just prefer it I agree with Wyatt's mommy why are you all so concerned with what others do, go worry about woman who do drugs or drink. Having a c-section isn't a bad thing nor does it make you less of a woman. Nor do you need to have surgery to get rid of belly fat afterwards.

Trust me making a decision to have a major operation is a lot more difficult than you think and I dont' think it has anything to do with being scared of natural childbirth, having major surgery is a bit more frightening than that so I don't know where your getting people who opt. c-section are afraid of child birth cause that is just stupid...So I am assuming if you are so against C-sections that you are also against using any type of medication during child birth. So all natural no dugs is the only way to bring a baby into this world? So any woman who chooses to take drugs during labor is less of a woman too? Its basically the same thing they are taking it to make the process easier. And you are entitled to your opinion, but so are millions of other woman. You are acting if choosing to have a c-section is bad for the baby when if fact it is not. In my family alone I have lost 2 cousins due to a doctor refusing to do a C-setion and the baby's were born dead. Knowing that I will never ever have natural childbirth why risk it? I am fully aware c-section is more complicated, but I would not want to worry the entire time I was in labor soemthing was going to happen to my child because i've seen it happen first hand twice before. So before you start handing out judgment you need to realize all situations are different. Just because I say I opt. for a c-section won't do it any other way has nothing to do with being more or less of a woman that is just BS and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying ANY woman who has been pregnant taken care of themselves and giving birth anyway to a beautifil healthy child is less of a woman for doing that. The people that do drugs and drink and don't get prenatal care are the one's you should be complaining about!
Reply:i really wish i could've had my 2 without the c-section. I wish I had the experience of delivering. Some don't realize its considered a major surgery.
Reply:i completely agree! i really dont understand why you would choose to have major surgery over something NATURAL, especially with all of the risks that come along with c-sections. i had to have one with my first daughter but im hoping to have a VBAC this time....i get so aggrevated at first time moms who think they want a c-section because they are scared of labor. In my oponion if you are that scared about it, you shouldnt get pregnant!
Reply:I had a C-section it was for medical reasons, but I think I will opt for one next time as well. (assuming I would even be able to do natural next time either) Not because i'm worried about anything being stretched out down there. Just the way I prefer to go...why spend hours in labor when you can go down have it done and spend the rest of the time with your child? But some other woman prefer doing it natural and thats great, for them. The way I see it, it makes no difference how the baby gets here, just as long as he or she arrives healthy and happy the rest doesn't matter.

Alanas: I had a c-section my stomach is flatter now than was it was before I had my son. My friend who had her child natural has a pooch on her stomach I don't think having a c-section will cause you to need a tummy tuck it all depends on how much weight you gain throughout your pregnancy and your fitness level before hand. And my scar has faded if i'm not preg. again by this summer i'll be proudly sporting a bikini! And I don't think people have a c-section because it is "easier" the recovery time is far worse than vaginal different people prefer different things. I honestly don't see why anybody else cares what another person does, all that should matter is that you have a happy healthy baby..what do you care if somebody wants to have a c-section vs. vaginal? There are far more things in life to get upset over like woman doing drugs while being pregnant or drinking. Geeze!
Reply:i agree with you. its ridiculous. i think thats why a lot of stars have them done.

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