Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Emergency C-sections?

I'd first like to state that I am in NO WAY downing mothers who have had C-sections.. so don't get offended.. I'm just asking this out of curiosity because I've seen alot of people talking about having emergency C-sections.

Have any of you had to have an Emergency C-Section? What are some of the reasons that your labor turned into having to have any emergency C-section? If a C-section is not planned is it considered an Emergency? Also did you have any vaginal births prior to the C-section birth?

Best regards to all of you mommies. :)

Emergency C-sections?
I understand your curiosity. Before I had my firstborn, I assumed that a C-section was a rare thing. Not so - nearly 1/3 of all births in the US are via C-section.

In my case, it was a series of less than ideal situations. First, my water broke. Most women feel contractions first; but once your water breaks, you have to head to the hospital because the chance of infections goes up. Despite my water breaking, my contractions were nonexistent, so they gave me pitocin to "jump start" things. It worked ... sort of.

I've read that contractions on pitocin are often more painful than naturally occurring ones. Maybe so, in any case, I felt I had to have an epidural, something I'd initially intended to forgo, for fear that I wouldn't be able to push as effectively.

24 hours later, I was exhausted (my water broke at 9 p.m., after a very long day at work), had had contractions for more than 20 hours ... and was still nowhere.

They upped the pitocin. 12 hours later, I got to push ... for more than 3 agonizing hours. My son was all but, just but born - crowning, in fact - but I couldn't quite get him out.

It came down to this: I hadn't slept in 48 hours and hadn't eaten, either. Contractions are physically grueling. My son was turned at a slightly awkward angle, and he was also big - 8 pounds, 9 ounces.

And then the fetal monitor showed that his heart rate was slowing ... not a sign of danger necessary, but a sign that the extended labor was taking its toll on him, too.

At that point, when my doctor said, "I know you don't want this, but I think it's safest for everyone if we consider a C-section," I thought "HALLELUJAH!"

Less than an hour later, I had my healthy baby boy in my arms ... and a neat row of stitches as a bonus. :)

No one tells you these kinds of tales pre-baby; afterwards, everyone shares. I learned that my scenario isn't uncommon. For many women, things go smoothly. But if it one part of the process is out of order - your water breaks first, or your contractions aren't strong, or you don't dilate enough to start pushing, whatever - it often cascades downward.

Doctors also tend to intervene and perform a C-section if it looks like the outcome of continuing to work for a vaginal birth could be subpar for the mother and child. In my case, it was my son's fetal monitor that made us both say it was time to move to surgery. In other cases, it could be the mother's health. We're a lawsuit lovin' nation, so a doctor is more likely to be sued for failing to intervene than for doing so.

And yup, unless you went into the hospital with a scheduled C-section booked, your surgery is considered emergency. It doesn't quite translate to "crisis" ... simply "unplanned."

They're more common than you might imagine, so if you are in the family way, it's good to know a little something about it. I knew nothing - and if I hadn't been so exhausted, I think I'd have been terrified.
Reply:I had to have an emergency c-section due to a car accident last year. I got hit head on by a driver on the wrong side of the road at 70 mph and it ruptured my uterus. My baby ended up in my stomach cavity and she didn't make it. But because of her I am alive today b/c her placenta plugged the hole in my uterus all nite keeping me alive so I"m very grateful to be here. I was out for the surgery and the recovery pretty well sucked emotionally and physically b/c my body was one big bruise from the wreck. But I am here, and 8 months preg with another little girl so I am very blessed. That was my first pregnancy.
Reply:Yes, due to high blood pressure and my Baby was distressed after being in labour for 22 hours
Reply:mine was an emergency

my son was in distress and so was i

i was exhausted been in labor for 36 hours pushed for two hours of it

i have a heart condition and they decided it was best for me to get him out

he was also tangled in his cord and was facing the wrong direction head down and all but facing the wrong way.

i had my 22 weeker vaginally she was so tiny i didnt even have to push
Reply:I would think that and emergency c-section is an emergency cause something traumatic has happend.

ex: mother might die or baby might die

I had an emergency c-section!!! and it was an emergency

I was induced at 30 weeks cause I had preeclampsia. I was going to do the labor all naturally no epidural.

To keep the story short

I was talked into getting the epi but I still didnt really want it but the realxing medicine along with my high blood pressure meds made my blood pressure go to normal and my preemie sons was lost on the monitor so I had to be rushed to the operating room put to sleep. So i would say I had an emergency c-section cause my sons life was in danger
Reply:She went into the hospital Tuesday morning at 9am to be induced because she was a week past due, she had the baby on Thursday night....what a long labor....

My sister had to have an Emergency c section when she was dialated to an 8 for over 2 hours and she started to get a high fever of 101.8f and they decided that it was time to take the baby out before she got the fever and the risk of infection, they went in to do a c section and she had been on epidural for over 15 hours... she could feel them cutting into her and so they had to knock her out totally. Emma came out 9lbs. 1oz. She would of never came out naturally. My sister is a tiny thing. Pre pregnancy weight is 95 lbs! 5' tall. She has had 3 more c sections since this. She is done now with 1 girl and 3 boys.
Reply:i went to be induced after my daugheer was a week late iwas in labor for 23 hrs no pain meds.i never dialated past 2 and my water had been broken for so long it was putting te baby in danger so i had to have a csection once in th operating room it took no more tan 10minsfor them to take her out it was my first baby..
Reply:With my first child 3 years ago i had a vaginal delivery. However, in December I went into labor and was already 9cm dilated when I went to the hospital.

My baby head would not come down to the birth canal so I had an emergency c-section.

Yes, when the c-section is not planned it isw considered an emergency because the only way you will get a c-section is if the vaginal birth is delayed, baby is running out of oxygen, or some other reasons where you or the baby can be harmed.
Reply:I had an emergency c-section with my first baby. I was 2 weeks past due so I went in to be induced, 10 hours later I still had not dilated at all, not even 1cm. I got up to go to the bathroom and my water broke. So I was off to have an emergency C. Just like anything- certain factors need to be present to be considered an emergency.
Reply:I had an emergency section with my 1st baby.after twenty hours of labour I pushed for 2 hours and couldnt get her head out..it turns out that my pelvis is very narrow though there was no way they could have known this beforehand they said..baby was also facing up....her spine against mine, which makes it hard for a woman with a normal pelvis...anyway...this meant my 2nd baby was born by planned section....i dont mind that i will never have a baby naturally..because at least I am alive...which I wouldnt have been 50 years ago....plus both my babies were big..over 9 pounds...and I am small.
Reply:i had an emergency c-section due to pre eclampsia, fetal distress and failure to progress! it wasn't planned at all! my second baby was born by c-section also after being started off and failure to progress again! he was a large baby! i have never been able to deliver naturally! i am disappointed but my children are healthy what more can i ask?
Reply:An unplanned C-section is not necessarily an emergency C-section. A previous poster got that wrong. I have had two C-sections. Both were unplanned but only one was an emergency. In the first, I had pushed for hours with no progress and was tired and upset and was asked if I wanted the C-section. I decided to have it but it was not considered an emergency. In the second case, I was having very premature twins, the water was broken, and labor was progressing. The doctor felt a vaginal birth would be too difficult on the tiny babies.
Reply:My daughter was born through an emergancy c-section. She managed to get the cord wrapped around her neck, and her heart beat was dropping fast. I am expect my second in Julyish and he will also be a c-section!!
Reply:Both of my aunts had emergency c-sections in the last 3 years. With the first her water broke, contractions never became consistant and even with medication, they could not get labor going. With my other aunt, she probably weighed less then 100 pounds before she got pregnant, then she had gestational diabeties. Her labor did progress, but after like 32 hours they found out that the baby was too big to come out. I also had a girlfriend who's baby was in position, and when they induced labor, she was over due, the baby turned breach and they couldn't turn him back around, so they did a c-section, that was her 3rd baby and the other 2 were born normally.!!
Reply:i had a emergancy c-section because my son was breech, the doctots didnt have time to try and turn him around as i was fully dialated and there could of been complication, not sure if all unplanned c-sections are classed as a emergancy think that depends on the circumstances, they only decided to give me a c-section about 30 mins before my son was born.. i havnt a natural birth but i hope to do so with my next baby as a rushed c-section was extreamly scary and id rather not go though that again..
Reply:An emergency c-section is not planned. If there is a danger to mom or baby or the labor isn't progressing, the doctors may order one. The doctor has to have a second opinion if there is time. In my case it was my first pregnancy, and I wasn't progressing. My dd wanted to come out slightly sideways. Her shoulders couldn't fit through my hips. They tried suction, repositioning and some other things I try to forget. This was after at least 4 hrs of pushing, and hard labor. I was so glad when they decided on it . My other deliveries were vaginal. My last delivery was 2 hours-start to finish.
Reply:I've never had an emergency c-section, but I do know quite a lot about it, because many family members and friends have experienced it.

Yes, if a c-section isn't planned it's considered emergency. Usually you are given an emergency c-section if there is fetal distress, your baby is in breech position, or if your labor isn't progressing. A vaginal birth after c-section (VBAC) is possible but I've heard it's not fun and you're better off just getting another.


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