Tuesday, July 28, 2009

C Section Question?

C section question!!?

Im due August 7th,

I had both my daughters natural,

But with this pregnacy it will considered high risk due to my blood pressure and other reasons.

I was told I will have to get a C-Section...

Now here is my question (basiclly for mothers who had C-Sections before)

How does the Delivery accure?

Lets say Im at home and I start to feel contractions, I would go to the hospital and they would determain how far Im dialated...

Do they Immediately send me in for C-Section or do I have to wait until im fully dialated to have the C-Section??? I dont understand how it works.

The reason for me asking is because ( lol)

I dont want to go through the painfull contractions....

C Section Question?
OK, this is how things will happen, most likely. They will try to schedule your c-section early enough that you won't go into labor but not so early that it's risky for the baby. If you should go into labor before hand (as I did with my first) they will monitor your progress to make sure you actually in labor. If they determine that you are and there is no turning back (usually only a few centimeters dilated but definitely contracting) they will start to prep you for your c-section. Be sure not to eat if you do think you are in labor, as that can be dangerous with surgery. Things should go fairly relaxed unless an emergency situation arises.

My second was scheduled and went as scheduled, so it was pretty much flawless. I went in at about 5:30 in the morning and basically sat around in the hospital bed while they put in my IV, around 7:15 they brought me down to the OR area and I sat around some more (I think they like to make you sweat LOL) then at 7:50 I was in the OR and they started the Spinal Block and at 8:08 I had my baby girl. So as you see there is a lot of just hanging out but then at go-time it's all business and goes very quickly. If you need anything else or have any other questions I can help you with just email me :)
Reply:Your c-section will be scheduled ahead of time, probably somewhere between 39 and 40 weeks. You should not feel contractions unless you go into labor early. In that case, you would go to the hospital and they would deliver you then. If that happens, you would feel contractions until the delivery, but they would not make you wait because they don't want you to deliver vaginally. You will get a spinal to numb you from the chest down. An IV for fluids too. After the birth, you go to recovery for about 1-2 hrs, where you can have your baby with you and then to a room. You will be in the hospital for about 4 days, liquid diet for the first 1-2 days. They will have you walking around probably on delivery day to get your insides moving again and so as not to get stiff. You will be in quite a bit of pain, take the pain meds if needed. My advice, don't keep the baby with you during the night. You will need your rest. If you breastfeed, have the nurses bring you the baby at feeding times. Don't let anyone make you feel like you have to have the baby with you at all times. You have 2 other kids and once you get home, it will probably be total chaos. Enjoy the hospital stay, really. It's a whole different thing once you are home with 3 and recovering from surgery.
Reply:Hi, I have had 3 c-secs in 3 years. Your doc should schedule your c-sec but if you happen to go into labor you need to go in ASAP no waiting around for dilation. The more you dilate the further into the birth canal your baby goes and the further down baby goes the more discomfort and pulling for you. You won't feel a thing you should receive a spinal or epidural before hand and then they will take you to the operating room. Unless it's an emergency you should be awake. It's so quick and there is no work for you they let you see the baby and sometimes even hold it. It depends on all circumstances. The after part is pretty crappy just make sure they cut you horizontally %26amp; give you good medication. It'll be fine.

Good Luck! :)
Reply:I didn't even go into labor...I had an emergency c-section at 27 weeks to save my baby's life and my own life.

So yeah, you don't NEED to go into labor or feel contractions. But if you have any questions or concerns about c-sections, you should ask your doctor.

Good Luck and I wish you a healthy pregnancy, delivery, recovery, and a healthy and happy baby!
Reply:A c will be done before you go into labor at a date set before your original due date.
Reply:I haven't had a c-section, but as I understand it, if you know you are getting one ahead of time for health reasons, they will schedule you a date. You don't need to be fully dialated, you don't even need to be in labor or having contractions. This is a surgery to take the baby out so contractions won't help that along in anyway, in fact you don't want to wait too long if you are having contractions, especially waiting until you're fully dialated, because you might end up delivering.
Reply:No, If you are having a c-section it will be considered planned. they will plan your day out to go get one. But lets say you go into labor at home. you go to he hospital and they don't wait for nothing they immediatly give you a c-section. they will numb you up and get started right away
Reply:I had a scheduled c-section and how it worked for me was I went to the hospital in the morning, they hooked me up to a fetal monitor to hear baby's heartbeat and monitored me for contractions (never had one). They prepped me for surgery and then 2 hours later, I went into the OR and they gave me a spinal and then 18 minutes later my son let out his first scream!

If you do go into labor and you are already scheduled to have a c-section, you shouldn't have to wait until you are fully dialated. You should just have to wait until the doc gets there.
Reply:If its a planned c section, most properly you will go in 2 weeks before your due date. Don't have to worry its easy, mine is a Epidural anesthesia which mean i stay awake during the operation, so that my hubby can be there beside me. And before i know my baby is out, its a fast operation.
Reply:I've had three c-sections, one natural. Two were planned c-sections. The first one I was told to go to the hospital when my contractions were 10 minutes apart. I got there when they were 6 minutes apart, they prepped me, did the epidural, and I had my baby boy! That last one was planned, and scheduled. I went in at 7:00 AM, they prepped me, and she was delivered at 8:23 AM. Would your doctor allow a time-scheduled delivery? That is the best bet, then you don't have to worry about it.
Reply:When you go into labor just go to the Hospital as soon as you feel the contractions. They will check to make sure that it is true labor and how far along you are dilated. Then they will contact the surgeon, OBGYN and everything and as soon as they get there you will be taken into surgery. As long as there are no problems your partner will then be told he can change and get ready to go in with you.

In my case I go to the hospital around 10pm and by 11:30pm my son was born. They gave me my spinal and everything before they brought my hubby in and then he was allowed to stand beside my head and hold my hand. Then they handed him the baby after the baby was cleaned up and checked for him to bring the baby over and show me and let me kiss him %26amp; baby. Then he brought the baby out for everyone to see.

CONGRATS .... hope that answered your questions.

As far as the recovery make sure you bring some comfy loose fitting pants and slippers (I had to make around the maternity ward before I could be released).
Reply:I am a mother of 2 and with both I had to have C-Sections. With my first child my Dr. told me he was too big for me and that I was going to have to have a C-Section....otherwise the baby would have gotten stuck b/c my bones weren't wide enough down there to let him out. My second (which was born 21/2 months ago) was the same situation....he was too big for my body. So I had to have my second C-Section. When you go into active labor (this was told to me by my 2nd Dr.) its not anything to worry about, but you will, depending on how quickly you are progressing, be rushed in for a C-Section. They would rather you not go into labor b/c then things dont have to be rushed aka emergency C-Section. When you go into labor your body works the baby into the position to have it vaginaly. If you have to have a C-section then the baby is farther down in your pelvis, making it sometimes more work to get him out during sugery. The procedure is started by getting either a epidural or a spinal block. I had a spinal block with my first child and a epidural with my second. The difference between the 2 are this:

Spinal: the needle goes into a space thats farther into the spine. There is no cath. left in your back like with the epidural. Its almost immediate numbing from the, what felt to me like boobs down. This wears off faster AFTER surgery.

Epidural: The cath. is inserted into what Dr.s call the Epidural Space of the spine. This area isnt as deep as where the spinal has to go. It takes about 30-45 mins to become numb. Atleast that how long it took my body. But don't worry the Dr.'s will do test with cold objects placed on your tummy to see if you can feel the cold( which means it isn't completely numb) or if you just feel something that is on your stomach( which means your numb to pain just feel the pressure of something placed on your stomach). This one takes longer to wear off after the procedure.

When you are in the OR you will feel alot of tugging and pressure. If at all you feel pain DO NOT HESSITATE TO TELL THE DR'S!

I hope this helps you if you have any more questions please dont hesitate to IM me on yahoo!

flowering plum

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