Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Visual C++ and C++ questions?


I'm a confused.

i want to learn C++ and I don't know where to start.

I have the following questions.

1. What is the difference between C++ and visual C++ ? Which one is the standard programming language ?

2. What book do you recommend to learn C++ for a beginner ?

3. What are other ways that I can learn C++ easier ?

Thank you

Visual C++ and C++ questions?
c++ and visual c++ are the same thing just that visual makes programming windows app easier (it's pampered).. use bloodshed c++ to learn http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html

book, hmm, i dunno. i learned basic skills using "problem solving with c++" by savitch, the book is alright and will teach you the basic. also anything from o'rileys is pretty good.

checkout these websites http://www.cprogramming.com and http://www.cplusplus.com/ they both have great tutorials

perhaps you should take a course at a local community college.

to start i would get bloodshed and do these tutorails http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/les... hit next for the next lesson (bottom of page in red plain text, says "Next:" and what the next lesson is)

might help Report It

Reply:1) C++ is a language. Visual C++ is Microsoft's C++ compiler. Asking the difference is like asking the difference between a car and a Ford.

2) Hands down, Accelerated C++ ( http://sc.tri-bit.com/Moo for the Amazon referral link.)

3) There really aren't any. C++ is a large language with many pitfalls. You need a good primer book. Be aware that most C++ primer books are utter crap; it's important to get the right one. Accelerated C++ (the link above) is an excellent starting point.

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